Clip settings
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Change the output size of the clip using Scale X and Scale Y. They are locked together unless you press the SHIFT key.
Change the horizontal and vertical position of the clip using Shift X and Shift Y.
Zone Delay/Chase is such an fun feature it gets its own section. Zone delay / chase
If a clip is locked, it can't be moved or deleted. To lock a clip, use the Locked checkbox in the right-click menu. In the Clip settings panel you get some more options.
UNLOCK ALL - unlocks every clip in the clip deck.
AUTO-LOCK - when Auto-Lock is on, any clip that is played automatically (either with the timeline or MIDI record/playback system) will be locked. This is useful if you've programmed a show in Logic Pro (or similar) and do not want to accidentally edit the clips used in the show.
LOCKED CLIPS ZONES - if this is on then you can't change the zones for any locked clip
LOCKED CLIPS PARAMS - if this is on then you can't change the parameters (scale, shift etc) for any locked clip.
If you right click on a clip, a menu appears with some of the options for that clip. See Clip editor, Organising your clip deck and Clip groupsfor more about the first few items in this menu.
When Retrigger is enabled, the clip will always restart from whenever it is started. This is the default as it's usually the best option, especially if you are not 100% locked in with the music.
If Retrigger is not enabled, the clip will always be in time with the beat - it's as though the clip was started at the very beginning of the clock. It's good for when you are synchronised perfectly with the music via an external clock signal.