🟦Canvas target areas

We know how get parts of the canvas into zones within each laser, but to get content in the canvas in the first place you'll need the (confusingly but accurately named) Canvas target areas.

Canvas target areas are sections of the canvas that you can draw clips into, and they're represented in the CANVAS view as blue outline rectangles.

A lot of the time you may only need one canvas target area, and then split that up into multiple zones that are sent to different lasers.

And sometimes you may want multiple canvas target areas for different parts of a building, or to take advantage of the zone delay across them. (Yes! Zone delay still works across canvas target areas!).

Sending clips to canvas target areas

If you look in the clip deck, along side the beam zone buttons, you'll see the canvas target area buttons. You may need to scroll the output buttons to see them, use SHIFT left and right arrows, or the ZONE PAGE buttons on screen, or the APC40 buttons (see APC40 reference)

Assign clips to canvas target areas by toggling these buttons in exactly the same way as you would with the beam zone buttons.

Adding / editing canvas target areas

In the top menu bar select Window->Canvas Target Areas to open the window - you'll see all the settings for each canvas target area that you have in your project.

And at the top there is the ADD CANVAS TARGET AREA button.

Delete a canvas target area using the red button with a minus sign.

Adjust the size and position using the sliders. Double click a slider to type a value.

Scale mode

  • FIT TO AREA - shrinks down content to completely fit inside the canvas target area, while maintaining aspect ratio. (This is the default setting)

  • FILL AREA - stretches content to fill the canvas target area, while maintaining aspect ratio. Content may be cut off the edges.

  • STRETCH TO FIT - stretches content to fill the entire canvas target area, ingoring aspect ratio.

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