🟧Controller assignment

[Just needs images added]

Once you have the lasers set up within Liberation, you can then assign each one to a laser controller in the real world. (See Compatible lasers and controllers (DACs) to check what hardware you can use). The controllers will either be connected via USB or over the network.

  • Open the Controller Assignment window via the Window->Controller assignment menu option. (Or alternatively you can use the ASSIGN LASER CONTROLLERS button in the Laser Overview window.)


  • The panel is split in two, with a list of lasers on the left as they have been set up in Liberation, and the list of available controllers on the right. If you do not see your laser controller in the list, press the REFRESH button. If you continue to have trouble check the troubleshooting section. [INSERT LINK TO SECTION]

  • To assign a controller to a laser, click and drag from the right on to an open laser slot on the left. This tells Liberation which controller it should use for which laser. (If you change your mind you can freely drag the controllers up and down from one laser to the next.)


  • If you see a green light next to the controller, it means that Liberation has successfully connected to it.

Note that whenever you connect to a controller, the laser will be automatically disarmed.

  • The disconnect button (X) disconnects the controller but doesn't clear it from the laser assigment. You can then use the reconnect button (rewind arrow) to reconnect it or instead click the disconnect button again to clear the assignment.

  • You can use the rename button (pencil) to rename this controller to whatever you want. It makes sense to name it in a way that makes it easy to associate it with particular hardware. If it's built in to a particular laser you may want to name it accordingly, ie LaserCube Ultra #1 or Triton T5 #3. These names will be saved with your Liberation installation and will appear from now; it can be really helpful for you to quickly identify your lasers.

Pro tip - you can double click on a controller on the right to automatically assign it to the next available laser on the left. This can be a real time saver if you have lots of lasers to assign!

You can use the DISCONNECT ALL and RECONNECT ALL buttons to quickly reset all the connections. This can be useful if you are having network issues.

Last updated